Riding on that Carriage, 2020, Archival epson print, painted & cut, 60x80“
Father Crosses the Ocean
Orange County Museum of Art
9.24.20 – 2.21.2021
Kyungmi Shin examines the impact of colonialism on cultural exchange through the lens of her family’s experience emigrating from South Korea to the United States. Through photocollages and porcelain sculptures including busts she made of herself and her father, a Christian minister, Shin explores the influence of Eastern philosophy on Western culture and spiritual teaching. She looks to the history of the Chinese porcelain trade that gave rise to chinoiserie ceramics, which combined European and Asian elements, as emblematic of a cultural hybridity that resulted from European colonialism.
Lunch on the Grass, 2020, acrylic on archival pigment print, UV laminate, 59 1/8 x 78 3/8 in
Installation view, Kyungmi Shin: Father Crosses the Ocean, Orange County Museum of Art 9.24.20 – 2.21.2021
Journey to the West, Son Wu Kong on the Cloud, 2019, porcelain tile, wood frame, 32” x 39” x 1”
Self Portrait, Sun Wu Kong Slays the Dragon, 2019, porcelain, wood furniture, 21” x 54” x 18”
A Priest & a Merchant Sails to the East, 2019, porcelain tile, wood frame, 32” x 39” x 1”
Portrait, Father Crosses the Ocean, 2019, porcelain, wood furniture, 21” x 54” x 18”
Saint Michael killing a Dragon, 2019, porcelain tile, wood frame, 32” x 39” x 1”
Portrait, Father & Crusader, 2019, porcelain, wood furniture, 21” x 54” x 18”
Installation view, Kyungmi Shin: Father Crosses the Ocean, Orange County Museum of Art 9.24.20 – 2.21.2021
Chinoiserie Group #1, 2020 porcelain, mirror, wood furniture 31 x 24 x 26 inches (sculptures) 37 1/2 x 23 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches (mirror)